Greetings from GERMANY (from TD 100) by Herbert Ahues Tilbage til forsiden

Original german two-movers by Herbert Ahues, Grandmaster in composition 1989

Every problemist knows how difficult it is to produce something original in the two-move field. But, as I am going to show you, some German composers are quite successful in this respect. I hope you will forgive me that all examples in this article feature the white line-combinations which always have been of special interest to me.

Diagram 1
W. Berg \& Mirko Degenkolbe
1 PR Freie Presse 1999
#2 C+ 11+7

In diagram 1 three tries are cleverly defeated by the black queen. The key makes the black play even more interesting: Now it is motivated by Theme A and combined with trial avoidance. A very pleasing conception!

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F. Pachl, the esteemed two-move editor of the famous German problem magazine DIE SCHWALBE, presents a new form of Theme G in his diagram 2. Here is the usual definition of Theme G: "Two white pieces aim at a thematic square in the black king's field. In the tries white alternately closes one of these lines with the consequence that it is no longer possible to mate closing the other".

Diagram 2
Franz Pachl
3 PR Schach 1998
#2 C+ 9+5

In Pachl's work, however, the thematic square d4 is situated at some distance from the black king, which is quite unexpected.

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Of course, Theme G can also be shown with two thematic squares.

In the tries of diagram 3 we have a white and a black Grimshaw combined with Theme F. The key introduces a Nowotny threat.

Diagram 3
M. Barth
2 PR Norsk Sjakkblad 1998
#2 C+ 10+11

Please, note the definition of Theme F: "Two white pieces aim at two thematic squares in the black king's field. In the tries white alternately closes one of these lines with the consequence that black can provide a flight for his king by closing the other". Here the thematic squares are d3 and c3.

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Theme F can also be shown with one thematic square.

There can be no doubt that today W. Bruch is Germany's most ingenious two-move composer. Nobody else has come up with so many new ideas. In his diagram 4 he uses white correction to show a masked form of Theme F. This time we have only one thematic square, d5, which is not yet guarded by white.

Diagram 4
W. Bruch
2 PR Schach 1998
#2 C+ 13+8

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Diagram 5
D. Papack & W. Bruch
1 PR Sächsische Ztg. 1998
#2 C+ 15+7

In diagram 5 D. Papack, who is also an excellent composer, and W. Bruch have mastered a very difficult theme complex: half-battery, Salazar, Schiffmann, and Theme B.
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Unfortunately, 10 pawns were necessary. But this regrettable fact is compensated by a high degree of originality.

Let me finish with a problem of my own. I started composing two-movers when I was a 14-year-old schoolboy. I believe the result of my life-long hobby is not too bad: 3300 problems, 393 tourneyprizes, and the FIDE-titles "Grandmaster" and "International Judge". Now I am 78 and my time is nearly over. But, occasionally, I still have some original ideas.

Diagram 6
Herbert Ahues
Schach 2000
#2 C+ 11+10

Diagram 6 may be suitable to please the readers of THEMA DANICUM. It combines white correction with a special form of Levman. The thematic square is f5. If this were a simple Levman, the white line f8-f5 would be open. But here it is masked by the black thematic piece Bf7. This, of course, makes things more complicated because the bK can use the thematic square as a flight.
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I hope you have enjoyed my little selection of German two-movers.