Greetings from FINLAND (from TD 100) by Unto Heinonen Tilbage til forsiden

Frolkin-Ceriani-Theme in the shortest proof games
by Unto Heinonen, International master in composition 1992

This is probably the simplest theme in proof games; a promoted piece must be captured. In the early 1950ies an Italian Luigi Ceriani showed, that it is easy to sacrifice two promoted pieces. Then he tried to sacrifice three pieces, but failed. In 1972 Nikita Plaksin succeeded with three knights. In 1982 Michel Caillaud sacrified four black knights. The revolution had begun!

Diagram 1
Dmitry Pronkin & Andrey Frolkin
Die Schwalbe 1985
SPG 32 13+9

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The last move offers a special way to introduce a theme capture. The presence of promoted pieces is not a mistake. Composers still would like to see, that they at least disappear during the play.

Diagram 2
Unto Heinonen
Die Schwalbe 1993
SPG 26.5 13+13

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A play is effective. White's extra moves let black's promotions

Diagram 3
Michel Caillaud
Europe Echecs 1994
SPG 32.5 12+11

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An only six-fold theme presentation. A difficult task and a composer has still succeeded in presenting a good construction.

Diagram 4
Unto Heinonen
Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1995
SPG 24 13+14

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A main idea is to change the places of black knights. However, a combination is acting well and the theme is a key into the realization

Diagram 5
Unto Heinonen
Probleemblad 1997
SPG 39.5 14+11

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An only presentation, where all five theme promotions are same colour; in addition they all are bishops. Some extra promotions have been needed, because there are troubles with duals.

Diagram 6
Olli Heimo
Die Schwalbe 1997
SPG 18.5 11+10

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An amazing task! All theme pieces will be captured in their promotion squares

Some records in non-dualistic SPGs:
Michel Caillaud: Themes 64, 1982
Michel Caillaud: EE, 1983
Diagram 1
Michel Caillaud: Europe Echecs, 1985
Diagram 5
Unto Heinonen: Suomen Tehtäv., 1996
D. Pronkin: Die Schwalbe, 1987
Diagram 3
Unto Heinonen:Probleemblad, 1996
Diagram 2